Friday, September 25th, 2015
IN love with the styling by Pinch in this room, even if I did accidentally tamper with the bed linen at one stage hey Melissa LOL! Penguin books have these gorgeous material covered books out at the moment of a lot of old classics – I love books espesh good looking books! So our touch of sunshiney yellow for this shoot – Pride and Predjudice – yeh I’m a bit of a romantic 😛
Also what I really love about this house are these gorgeous floor boards. They are pre-finished red gum boards that have been secret nailed and look amazing. Ah…see there is Critta and Giddo hard at it (but if you talk to Critta I think you’ll find that yes he was the one who did the hard yards on this floor with the help of young Solomon!) Anyhoo… bring on the weekend and YAY for some sun!!! Gx Ps. Spot our pops of yellow in our shoots if you can 🙂